"How is this the best thing that has ever happened to you?"

What up what up Fly Tribe,

My housemate @trevornonuts has a statement that I love. Whenever someone brings a challenge to the table - providing evidence that things aren’t going according to plan, a curveball has been thrown, or something else is going awry, Trevor asks:

“How is this the best thing that has ever happened to you?”

I love this! This question gets you to turn the issue on it’s axis and look at it from a positive angle.

So I challenge you, the next time you come across a seemingly negative situation or challenge, ask yourself, how is this the BEST thing that has ever happened to you?

Chances are you will uncover an enormous opportunity for growth in some area of your life, possibly one that you have pushed aside and been neglecting for some time.

Then, it will be up to you tackle this opportunity head on and become a better, stronger person because of it, or choose to remain the same, prompting the universe to throw this same challenge at you over and over again until you are ready to utilize properly and grow past it.

Cheers to you friend, your unique challenges and the pathway to growth that they provide. In essence, cheers to YOUR evolution!  I am excited to see what we all become in this exhilarating life 

(Pictures are from Mammoth last weekend. I took the 2nd day snowboarding  to learn to ride switch for the sake of protecting my back. I spent most of the day on my butt! LOL. But it was a huge opportunity for me to gain more humility, gratitude for how far I’ve come riding regular, and a SUPER, duper fat-burning workout from all those push-ups and jump-ups getting back up after each fall! )

@lianprice @workgrindfly