Seriously, I See You

Hi Fly Tribals!

It’s Friday! And can I just say- cheers to you!


Cheers to you if you got all your workouts in this week!


Cheers to you if you were thrown off by daylight’s savings time but got up each early morning and made it happen anyway!


Cheers to you if you moved that needle at work and accomplished your most difficult but most crucial task first every day!


Cheers to you if you avoided the temptation of staying up late and eating pizza this week, and instead chose to go to bed early because you know your body looks, feels and performs better with a great night’s rest.


Cheers to you if you felt the mud-wading effect of Mercury retrograde all extra hard this week!


Cheers to you for still not giving up, refusing to get down on yourself or self-sabotage, no matter how out-of-sorts or how skewed your perspective seemed to get.


Cheers to you for SHOWING UP FOR YOURSELF behind the scenes, when no one else is watching, and being your own best ally by doing the work that will lead to even better, brighter tomorrow.


Cheers to you for just being so brave to do the above! Because your courage is what inspires others! 


And also!! Cheers to you if you gave a f*** about someone else other than yourself this week. If you SHOWED UP FOR SOMEONE ELSE, if you were the best parent you could be this week, the best friend, best caretaker, roommate, husband, wife, bf, gf, advocate, citizen, philanthropist, activist, HERO.


CHEERS TO YOU. I tip my hat to every one of you. I see you, online and offline. I’m watching you, and I like what I see. Cheers to good people, doing great things, and making a much-needed impact on our world.


I love love love love love love you. Have an amazing weekend. You deserve to!
